The Knecht Cup
April 9-10, 2022
Cooper River, Cherry Hill, NJ
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The traffic pattern to be followed during practice.
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The traffic pattern to be followed on Saturday and Sunday, during competition.
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Attestation form for coaches to certify lightweight athletes.


The Coaches & Coxswains meeting video is available HERE.


Varsity Eight Progression

Progression from the heats to the semi-finals for the Men's & Women's Varsity Eights will be based on finish placement in the heats, as shown below. Each semi-final will have one crew that finished first in their heat, one crew that finished second in their heat, etc. Exactly which of the three semi-finals each crew is assigned to will be determined by random draw; seeds are not "maintained" beyond the heats, and finish time is not a factor.

For example, if a crew finishes second in their heat, they will be in Lane 2 in a semi-final. Whether they are in Semi 1, Semi 2, or Semi 3 will be determined by random draw.



JESS MCALEAR will serve as Chief Referee with LAURA KNECHT BLANCHE as Regatta Director. 

Should you have any questions or need to touch base, please come to the Regatta HQ Tent which will be staged just next to the Cuthbert Boulevard Launch/Recovery Dock.


Timing will again be provided by RegattaWorks, and you can check for results HERE.

The schedule can be found on RegattaWorks HERE.

In advance of populating the final schedule, we again would like to invite Coaches with entries in the Mens V8+, Womens V8+, Mens 2V8+, Womens, 2V8+, and Womens LightV8+ to provide their thoughts on seeding.  If you have entries in these events, please be sure to keep your eye out for our follow-up email with our request to have you provide your rankings.


To ensure a smooth staging of all arriving trailers, please note the following:

  • All trailers will be staged in the Cuthbert Boulevard Parking Lot (adjacent to the Launch/Reovery Dock).  For directions, click HERE.
  • We will have our team of volunteers on-site to assist with your arrival and parking.  Thank you in advance for following their directions and requests.
  • No trailers may arrive before Thursday at 6 pm (as the venue no longer allows for early staging).  Specific "Trailer Arrival Windows" are as follows, and we ask that each crew complete a "Trailer Arrival" form (also in the follow-up email) to ensure we understand your plans:
    • Thursday April 7, 6-8 pm
    • Friday April 8, 9-11 am
    • Friday, April 8, 2-5 pm
    • Friday, April 8, 7-8:30 pm
    • Sat, April 9, 6-7 am



You need not "check-in" formally nor register with us upon your arrival.  Unlike in past years, you also need not sign any special, unique waivers.  That said...

  • We will have volunteers staffing the Regatta HQ tent from 2:30-7:00 on Friday, if you have any questions.
  • All crews MUST have a bow number for your assigned lane.  If you need a set of bow numbers, we will have them available for sale at Regatta HQ for $25.
  • All Lightweight crews must have a signed certification that provides the coach's attestation that all rowers are at weight (Women: Max = 130; Men: Max = 160). This form is available in the "DOWNLOAD" box, to the right. 



Vehicle parking is not allowed in the Camden County Boathouse Parking lot (due to unrelated rentals of the facility throughout race weekend).

Instead, car parking will be available parallel along the curb closest to the river along North Park Drive. 

Additional and ample parking is also available on the oppositie side of the river in the Cooper River Yacht Club lot on South Park Drive.

PLEASE NOTE: No team buses can remain in the Trailer Lot NOR park along the curb on N. Park Drive.  Instead, all busses and large Team Transport vehicles must park at the Cooper River Yacht Club.  Thanks in advance for alerting your drivers that they will be ticketed if they attempt to idle or remain along North Park Drive.

Team Tents are allowed along the race course; however, cars may not park in the open field along the course. A limited number of passes for necessary drop-offs in this area are available and can be obtained on Friday at the Regatta HQ tent. Spectators requiring any Special Assistance may request such a pass on Friday as well.


All Finals will take place on Sunday, and medals for first-place will be awarded at the "Awards Gazebo" just behind the Grandstand. Pending any schedule changes, we anticipate three Awards Ceremonies as follows:

  • 10:00-10:45 (For Final Events currently scheduled from 7:30-9:22)
  • 12:00-12:45 (For Final Events currently scheduled from 9:38-11:30)
  • 1:30-2:15 (For Final Events currently scheduled from 11:38-12:58)


All said, a representative (or all athletes) are invited to stop by the Awards Gazebo at any time collect their medals!